Quintessential Papers


Here are a collection of working papers you may find valuable.


 Death in the Desert by Isabelle Murphy (PDF)

An exceptional activity to help us challenge our assumptions.

HR Compliance- 4 Key Changes to Watch (PDF)

As HR Consultants, our goal is to keep our clients informed about what’s on the horizon in the HR compliance world.

A Truly Dark Day for HR? by Don Berenson (PDF)

Does your HR Team deliver Jedi performance? Read this article to learn about the four pillars that makes HR a valued force. A Truly Dark Day for HR Professionals by Donald Benenson, SPHR If you worked in Human Resources during.

How to Develop a POWER Team® by Isabelle Murphy (PDF)

How to Develop a POWER Team outlines the mindset and five (5) critical components needed to establish and maintain a highly effective team that is committed to accomplishing both the tasks at hand and long term goals.

Developing Emotional Intelligence by Colleen Franca (PDF)

Developing one’s EQ skills can reap a number of benefits, including building and maintaining high value partnerships with your clients, an enhanced ability to lead and influence others and resolving conflict more positively. This paper provides simple techniques and exercises to practice and develop your EQ skills.

Do Women and Men Lead Differently? by Colleen Franca (PDF)

This paper explores research conducted to find out the answer to this question and dispels long held myths about women as leaders.

The Case For Emotionally Intelligent Lawyers (PDF)

The research is sound, lawyers who develop their EQ skills can reap a number of benefits, including building and maintaining high value partnerships with their clients, an enhanced ability to lead and influence others, and most importantly a much more rewarding practice and career.

Listening Self Assessment (PDF)

To help you start to be more aware of your listening habits, complete the following Listening Self-Evaluation. Answer each question thoughtfully and after you have answered all the questions, score your self-assessment.